This summer? - Marks a lot of change in our household.
After having worked almost full time + been a full time university student I am now looking forward to 8 weeks vacation. I don´t think I have ever been as exhausted in my life as I was last month. Last winter was tough, in many ways, and I was glad to see it over. Unfortunately, living on this island under the North Pole means summers are short and winter will be here again in the blink of an eye. That is why I´m going to enjoy every day of summer we have and immerse myself in the hot, burning, spanish sun we will be seeing come July. I need the sun soooo badly!
But back to changes...Jökull (2) has just changed day care centers. He loved the old place and his friends there are therefore my heart was quite heavy when we made him change, for our convenience. You see, it only takes two minutes to walk to the new place while it took 10 min. to drive to the old place. AND the the new place is where Katla (5) goes too and in the same building where Hrafnhildur (8) and Saga (13) go to school. What parent in their right mind wouldn´t want all their children to be in one place, right? RIGHT?
His first day at the new school was tough. He was trying so hard to be a big boy and so he sat on the floor with tears in his eyes (without crying though) and not even wanting to make eye contact with the grown-ups there. That made for a pretty good mommy guilt-trip.
But guess what? My kiddos deal with change pretty well too, thank you very much. On day 2 he kissed me bye-bye and ran off to play with his new found friends.
His big sister (Katla, 5) wasn´t quite as happy though. Although she was looking forward to going to pre-school, she had been waiting for her baby brother to come to her school so she could take care of him and help him around.
The biggest school change of them all belongs to Antonius (15). My firstborn graduated from elementary school and will be off to high school/college in the fall. Now, how can that be when I´m only 25? Lol. It seems like such a short time ago that I was 16 and new in high school and pregnant with him. So short, yet so much has changed.
This summer, both Saga and Antonius have jobs. My kids are both working while I get to enjoy the summer on my patio. Now that´s nice, for a change!
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